Sunday, July 3, 2016

"It's Tiiime for Dodger Baseball"

Man, I'm really gonna miss Vin!...A lot of people, especially the media have written off the Dodgers, especially now that Kershaw is on the DL.  But something interesting has happened.  Now that the team knows they can't rely on Kershaw, they've really stepped it up, especially the offense.  My personal pick for starting ss for the NL is a big reason for this.  Corey the kid is playing like an MVP, well other than his sometimes questionable defense.  He should be the starting ss in the All Star game, but I guess people would rather have a starter with an average in the 230's  (REALLY?!).  Ok, I will now step off my soap box.

So anyway, on to the card of the day.  I decided to pick up a blue refractor rookie auto of Mr. Seager, and I really think this one has a good shot at a 9.5:

1 comment:

  1. Very nice pickup. Get that bad boy graded. Ive been focusing on Kershaw autos so other than my red ink Seager I havent gotten another one of Corey. More of an off season project
